Joe Kurtyka's Photos


Litts Wreckage 11
In March or Early April 1967, I volunteered to be part of the recovery operation for A/C 62-4178 which had been involved in an accident at Litts Airfield, somewhere between Phu Cat and Bong Song (I believe).  We were each issued an M-16 rifle and two clips of ammunition ( no tracers).  The ammunition was counted and we were expected to return the same number of cartridges we signed out. Isn't that some way to fight a war!  About 15 to 20 of us traveled by trucks to Litts where we found the A/C pictured in these photos. I heard there was a helicopter involved and something about rotor-wash as the C-7A was landing, but never heard the full story. Does anyone know?  When we arrived, the Army already had sealed off the area and someone had taken out all the interior of the cargo compartment and the radios. We stripped out everything else, took the aircraft apart and shipped it back to Phu Cat on flatbed trucks — except for the fuselage which was carried out by a flying crane helicopter.


23 Jul 2000 08:56 PM